Tuesday, September 13, 2011


TRIO's overland conveyor system offers an economical alternative to haul trucks.

When a producer in the Southeastern U.S. was faced with the need to purchase two new haul trucks for their operation, TRIO presented him with a cost-effective and safer alternative: an overland conveyor system built specifically for their site. The final system, capable of moving 500 tph, eliminated the need for the more expensive (to purchase and operate) and less efficient haul trucks.

TRIO conveyors offer responsive lead times, lower operating costs, exceptional service, and a more attractive capital investment compared to other alternatives. TRIO's conveyor equipment features flexible designs and a wide range of options that can be delivered globally. Standard, off-the-shelf parts help keep maintenance costs low.
TRIO's conveyors offer a smart alternative to more expensive equipment purchases. Customers around the world are discovering the benefits of working with TRIO: effective solutions, great value, and a continuing service commitment.
If you have a similar challenge please contact TRIO and ask: What Can TRIO Can Do For You?